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The Husband School
Pidia Joseph Allieu has made it his life's work to eradicate sexual violence in Sierra Leone.
Although the precise figures are impossible to confirm, it's estimated that more than 200,000 women were the victims of gender-related violence during the country's devastating 1991-2002 civil war - and this legacy of abuse has endured.
As a teacher at the Husband School, Pidia attempts to make fundamental changes in the arena where some of the worst crimes are committed - marriage. He leads classes for men in a rural area in eastern Sierra Leone, inviting them to share their views on the treatment of women and helping them to build a better understanding of the consequences of their attitudes and actions.
Project type: Documentary
Date: 2019
Role: Director/ Camera
Length: 25'
Producers: Al Jazeera/ Black Leaf Films
Link: Watch Film Here

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